Custom Chiropractic Care
If you’ve tried Traditional Chiropractic Care and found it to have diminishing returns, Planet Chiropractic urges you to try Custom Chiropractic Care that focuses on your unique structure.
Generally, the end-goals of traditional chiropractic care are:
To relax muscle spasms
To temporarily decrease pain
To improve range of motion
“But how is Planet Chiropractic different from traditional chiropractic care or other forms of traditional health care?”
A New Approach to Patient Care
The aforementioned things are all great goals, and there are probably many chiropractors in your area that do a good job providing traditional chiropractic care. At Planet Chiropractic, our primary focus & objective is to provide our patients with Custom Chiropractic Care using advanced Structural Chiropractic Correction. If you’ve tried traditional chiropractic care and ultimately stopped using it, you owe it to yourself to try Planet Chiropractic’s Custom Chiropractic Care.
Structural Shifts Can Have Major Consequences
A majority of the clients we serve at Planet Chiropractic are often referrals from other chiropractors, medical doctors and specialists in the area, suffering from a significant Structural Shift in their spine. These Structural shifts or structural misalignments are the underlying cause that often show themselves as “symptoms” – or what Structural Doctors refer to as Secondary Conditions. Structural Chiropractic Correction, the method we have offered since the very beginning of Planet Chiropractic, focuses exclusively on the correction of the underlying cause – the Structural Shifts.

Structural Care
One of the core philosophies of chiropractic care is that your body is constantly seeking a natural balance.

Auto Accidents
The jarring effects of car accidents can cause major pain and discomfort, as well as many long term structural issues.

Sports Injuries
More and more athletes are discovering the virtues of consistent chiropractic care to actually improve their athletic performance
The Planet Chiropractic Difference
Planet Chiropractic works hard to distinguish our custom chiropractic care from any other clinical care in the West Atlanta area. We understand that there are many schools of thought regarding healthcare and that each healthcare methodology has its own feelings of validity. At Planet Chiropractic, we feel that we can achieve the best results in caring for your pain or illness by addressing your potential structural issues first. We believe in treating the sources of structural shifts, which are often the underlying causes of pain.
Long-Term Solutions for Your Pain and Suffering
There is a host of other options in our local area that sincerely work hard to do help patients, but their focus is usually on treating the symptoms of pain. Let's say an average working professional, just like many of you, goes to another clinic with neck pain. More often than not, the other clinic’s goal is to quickly relieve the patient’s pain, which is important—there’s nothing wrong with helping alleviate a patient’s pain. In contrast, at Planet Chiropractic, our focus is on discovering what is causing the pain, and working on a plan to correct the root issue, bringing long-term solutions.
Focus on Treating the Syndrome, not Just the Symptoms
For example, let’s take a look at anterior head syndrome. The media has recently begun calling it “text neck,” but we've labeled it anterior head syndrome for over a decade. Anterior head syndrome will cause all those secondary issues. A traditional chiropractor will treat those with low-pulse, high-frequency electronic stimulation pads, put an ice pack on you, and suggest some ultrasound therapy. Their goal is to decrease the swelling so you have less pain. Planet Chiropractic will take a look at the root causes of anterior head syndrome, and work towards correcting the imbalance. That way, victims of AHS can have a chance at combatting the source of the problem, and avoid reoccurring symptoms.
Planet Chiropractic vs Traditional Medical Care
The traditional medical doctor will do a good job of treating symptoms of pain, or secondary conditions that might actually have deeper rooted causes. Treating the symptoms of adversity will never truly fix the problem. Planet Chiropractic works hard to investigate the primary causes. Many times, long-standing problems and chronic pain can be traced back to improper spinal shifts. If your central nervous system controls every organ, system, and function in your body, wouldn’t it make sense to keep your central nervous system in prime working condition? Planet Chiropractic thinks so. Call or contact us today if you’ve found diminishing results with traditional health care, or you’re interested in exploring a holistic, non-invasive approach to your health and quality of life.
Planet Chiropractic is committed to providing West Georgia, Metro Atlanta, and the West Atlanta community with a full range of premier chiropractic services and wellness educational opportunities. We are your #1 source for custom chiropractic care. If you’ve grown weary of traditional health care methods, give Planet Chiropractic a call!